
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Addison

Birthday dinner with the cousins..

Addie loved the pool.. I really think we need one. (wink wink)

The famous SWING SET. It took a month to build

becauce of the weather and now it's almost

hot to even use.

Meet the newest Harley chic of the house..

She already ate more then we brought home how could she

possibly eat anymore?

Hannah posing for a quick pic before her dance rictal.

Zac being silly while giving us a brake from the cooking duty.

Addie playing in the rain, one of the many times it rained this summer.

Addie doing her Daddy's hair..( don't tell him he doesn't have any)

Family Summer Moments

This summer has been a real hot one. Really can't wait for it to be over. We as a family really haven't done anything too very exciting but we have made a few memories to share. We went to the St Louis Zoo in April and had a great time. Addison had a birthday on July 3rd. We celebrated all weekend long. I think everytime she see's fireworks she's gonna think they're for her. We ever celebrated the 4th of July with good friends in Vandalia with food, drink and firreworks. It was a spectacular show given by a group of friends.. We've gone swimming a few times saw a movie or two and spent lots of time together acting goofey and just being together. It was a simple but memerible summer for all.

The family trip to the St Louis Zoo in April.. I was a long day but eventful. Hope to get there this fall too.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Well it's been awhile but now I'm back. I kinda needed to take a break from just about anything extra that would cause too much thinking. During my time gone I spent ALOT of time playing with Addie. She seams to have just grown up over night. When did she learn to talk to clear, and say so much. And boy does she have alot to say. Never a quiet moment at my house. She just loves to draw and color oh yeah and use glue. Of course she won't let me teach her how to hold the pencil or crayon but at least she tries to be creative. I just can't believe my baby girl is now 3 years old. She'll be attending preschool in the fall and I think she will love it. We had VBS last week and she did pretty well considering she was by far the youngest one there. She loved being with the other kids. I guess she really could use a little playmate. Just kidding. We've spent many hours playing on her new swing set and taking a little dip in the wading pool. Well before you know it this summer will be gone and the cool weather will be here and the holidays will be among us. Where does time go? I just can't help but think these next few years are just going to fly by. In the fall Hannah will be in 8th grade. wasn't she just 5 years old the other day. Boy has she grown up. Every time I walk down my hallway and see my wedding pictures with her in them (which was just three and a half years ago) I can't help but see how little she looks. I always tell her to slow down and enjoy being a teenager because soon she'll be all grown up and will be a woman with the duties of a adult not the care free life she has now. But you know when your young you just can't wait to be old and when your old all you want is to look young or at least feel young again. I think the thing that makes me the saddess these days is the thought of my baby boy speading his wings and leaving the nest. Zac is 20 and has been dating a very sweet young lady for over 7 months. He tells me he is in love and thinks she's the one he would like to spend his life with. She still has 3 years of college left then she'll be looking to start her life as a special ed teacher. She is from a town south of Chicago. I am so scared she's gonna want to take my baby away and live up there. He says he is a small town boy and they have agreed to live in a smaller town between her parents and me. Lets just hope that happens or I just might become that over bearing mother that no one likes.. Wait I already am. The whole thought of ZAc living that far away just make me want to cry. I know it's crazy but thats still years away but I'm a crazy kinda person and seams to always worry about the thing I have no control of. Well I guess this whole jaber is just about me feeling lonely and OLD. As you all read this and say to your self she's lost it you just wait one day not only will you be old but your kids will leave you too and you too will feel lonely. Call me then and we can cry together..